Saturday, November 24, 2007

Satrajittu's Story

A king named Satrajittu rules a kingdom neibhoring Krishna's kingdom. Satrajittu has Shamantaka Mani, a stone kind of thing, which produces 60kg (not sure of the number) of gold each day. This he obtains by praying to Indra (I guess). Anyway the news spreads and Krishna comes to know about this and now he wants to own the Mani. This Mani would make India an economic superpower if the religious find its whereabouts just like they found that Adam's bridge was indeed built by Rama. So Krishna politely asks Satrajittu saying that some how it would be of much benefit for the people if it was in his kingdom. Satrajittu refuses to give up the money and the issue is settled here.

Unfortunately for Krishna, Satrajittu plans to go hunting (who said ancients were nice to animals?). A lion sees the pendant around his neck, attacks and kills Satrajittu and takes off with the Mani. In an interesting turn of events, the lion becomes the victim; a bear attacks the lion, kills it and sets of with the Mani. The bear is no one else but Jambavant, a bear-like creature who fought alongside with Rama against Ravan. Jambavant has an interesting story. After the war with Ravan, Rama asks these stalwarts (Sugriv, Jambavant, Hanuman etc) what each wants. Jambavant asks for a fight with Rama. Rama says that he would reincarnate as Krishna and will fight him then. This is weird since Jambavant has to live for around one-million years(see the link) from Treta yug till end of Dwapara yug to fight Krishna, by the way it is the same Jambavant that appears in Ramayan, whom Krishna is supposed to fight. I hope scientists will soon find a way to increase life-span to millions of years. Thats right they should be studying Ramayan first!.

Back to the story: Now the word is out that Satrajittu is dead and people start to blame Krishna for the death saying that Krishna killed him for the Mani(How can people blame a god?). Now Krisha has to prove that he is innocent. So he sets out into the forest as a detective. He sees that a lion killed him and follows the lion's foot-prints and eventually finds that the lion itself is killed. He the traces the foot-prints of a bear to a cave. He walks into the cave and sees that the Mani is hanging over the cradle of Jambavant's daughter Jambavati. As Krishna tries to snatch the Mani, Jambavati cries, which alarms Jambavant and he jumps into the scenario and the much awaited fight begins. After fighting for a long time(I forgot the duration) they decide that its a stalemate(Interesting that one can withstand god!). Krishna then tells about his promise in Treta yug and Jabavant is happy that it is now fulfilled. Krishna then marries Jambavati. Now this is crazy since Jambavati is a bear.

One may wonder how god himself can be falsely blamed. There is an explanation. It so happens that on one Vinakaya Chaviti Krishna is milking a cow and sees the reflection of the moon in the milk. I guess you are familiar with the story about Parvati(one of Shiva's wives) cursing the moon for laughing at Vinayak. It looks like even god is not exempt from the "law of nature". If you are not familiar with the moon-story, read my blog on the story of creation of the moon. ISRO is indeed inefficient since one of the missions of Chandrayaan project (millions of dollars coming from tax payers' pockets) is to "Study the origin of the moon". Why do they want to study something that is already known?

There are some key events in the Mahabharat, the Ramayan and the origin of the moon that are related to this story. Now if one accepts that Mahabharat and Ramayan indeed happened, why does not one accept these line of events actually happened?

Many people may doubt the truth in the story. If you are one of those you are going to hell; shut up, believe and save your soul!.

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